==[ Issue 8 Released on May 08 1995! ]=[ 3rd Issue in 1995! ]============= Introduction : Dragon Avenger - Yours truly is back again with yet another great issue of Console World. Took me more time this month to finish editing this issue, cuz, the Handheld section was a bitch, NA stared it off and basically I had to finish if off and re-edit some minor details. Also welcome our guest writer this month, a member of the newly formed console group Swat, CyberChrist, lets all give him a round of boo's..hehehe, a round of applause and listen to his comments. I wanted to comment on Stephen King's charts, I spoke to most of the general users last month and wanted to find out what they thought of the rating system that he used for rating games. Well, personally, I speak for tons of people when I say this, you CANNOT rate games on their size, that is totally ridiculous, 8 pts for a 32meg game(if that is the correct pts allocated for a 32 meg game on SK's charts?!), 7 pts for 24 meg, etc, etc, well, take for example, Super Turrican 1 was only 4 megs and it was an exceptional game, it only got 2 pts, but in CW it would get the full 2 points allocated to a new game. I am not saying that the ratings used in CW are 100% correct and that it should be the law, its just i find them to be more realistic and thats why I have stuck by them since the return of Console World. Lets take for example, Fear Night, it was 32 megs(jap), and all it really was, was a slideshow presentation of some sort, well, according to SK, it would get 8 pts, are you trying to tell me that garbage like that is supposed to get 8 pts, no way! But of coz, CW's ratings would have given it a measly 1 point! I am not trying to bash SK, its just after talking to many people and then reading his charts, it made me realize a tragic flaw in his charts. Let me drop this subject and move on to matters concerning the rankings....what am I trying to say?, well, last month Daviolator brought up the subject of receiving points for the Magic releases after Magic joined Napalm, his exact words were : 'So how would the charts work out this month? All the Magic releases will be given credit to Napalm?', hmm, makes you wonder eh? Of coz I don't blame him for asking cuz, he is fairly new to the scene and in the operations of how CW works, no prob Dav.! Though, he did bring up something that dawned on me a month or two back, and that was when he told me : 'I would be a liar if I told ya I didn't care about how we do in a month in the charts...It would be a lie if anyone told ya that :)', well that is very true, we all look forward to how we did, that I think is more of a human instinct, I guess we all work hard and this is where it is shown, but don't think the charts are the only place??!! The scene itself knows and has eyes and your actions are not gone undetected by anyone, believe me. Its just sometimes I look back and say, charts???, what are they?, well, are they doing more harm then good again? On to a more lighter note, April was a dry month for most of us. Though the usual groups did show up and did try to accomplish releasing games, and that was a nice thing to see. Busts did occur, some guys left and some guys joined other groups, little things that make the entire scene go round. Another topic of discussion was the re-editing of the diz files by the Risc console dudes, like I said to some of them, i disagree with the concept of editing someone else's diz to include Risc Console at the bottom, is there a need for it? I think not! Look at this way, a group worked hard (well groups do!) to obtain and release it, its there game and no one but that specific group should be able to re-edit their diz file. I know if it was a game concerning SNK, and I saw some Risc Console guy spreading it and he/she also re-edited the diz, I wouldn't be too happy, and I think that goes for all groups out there. If Risc would like to have Risc console below the diz, well, its easily solved, just have it as your sent-by, that doesn't harm anyone! But in any case, i addressed this question to some people, 'does the console scene really need a couriering group?', well, more then 95% of them said no, Sigma and the Risc console guys were the only one to say yes, but we do know Sigma, he will spread any game..hehehe! Most groups like to spread their own games! Anyhow, enough of this talk, lets move on over and hear the voices of NA and CyberChrist. Enjoy, till next month! Night Assassin - Oh my, has another month passed by already? I hope you guys enjoyed the first two issues of Console World. With all the new higher end systems coming out (U64, PSX, Saturn, Jag <- Hah!) it's funny to imagine how the console scene will be like in the next year. (Or even a few months from now) I know this was a topic of discussion on a couple of boards that I frequent. Well, anyways, I'd just like to pay my respects to those who has started it all : Baseline (BSL) Magical (M-) UCCI and Legend (L-) the fathers of the scene! But what do I know right? 8) It's funny how things have changed over the last 3 years. I cannot believe the scene started back in 1992. It's been a long time, and we've seen groups come and go. Many thanks to all who has kept the scene going! Sorry for not inputting too much last month, I was busy with some school work (lame excuse right?) and I didn't really get into things. But hopefully this month will be a little bit better. I do sort of miss things on the SNES since I sold my copier to pick up a PSX. But that's my problem, and who gives a fuck right? Hehe.. well anyways, here I go rambling on ... Update, I sold my PSX, and now I have nothing!!! There has been an issue concerning the editing of the FILE_ID.DIZ for certain games. Risc console has been doing this for all the console games which their couriers spread. Personally, I think that shit is lame, it's no wonder how these people from the IBM scene come in thinking that they can dominate. But do not take this personally, I know of many people who feel the same. Oh yeah... Console World has a new section! Take a look at section number 4! It's the handhelds section! And it's done because of YOU! The readers who has demanded it! (All 3 of you guys! hehehe). CyberChrist - I guess this was a month of reflection for everyone. I did my part, I ran into Black Spyrit on IRC and chatted with him about the old BSL days and the old RAZOR days, along with iCE. It struck me that it was funny that a guy in an ANSI group was instrumental in starting a console group and one of the first console trainer groups and that the scene is full of Amiga guys who can't see IBM ansi.. funny eh? I thought it was a pretty funny situation. Anyway, I'm sure everyone is wondering what happened to SWaT last month. Answer: nothing. There weren't enough games coming out and that's not any of our fault. The plain truth is that we researched everyone and everything in the console scene over the span of a month and have talked to a shitload of people that are basically not doing this anymore for one reason or another. I know a lot of what everyone thinks of each other and have learned and confirmed how the top groups in the scene are doing things right now. It is funny and frankly I think I gave people waaaayy too much credit and thought their setup was more elaborate than what it is. Beta testing and renting games is almost funny, but it's extremely funny that groups sustain themselves doing that. The month was very productive as far SWaT is concerned and the results will not be seen in the April upload stats, but I guarantee that you will see it in the next few months and hopefully we will give everyone a run for the money. Anyway, here's a little commentary on some things that were said this month. Someone out there that 'now it's personal'. Ok, whatever. I would like all these "legends" what they think they are doing. There is nothing more disgusting than a group of individuals that think they are "legends". Sorry guys, but legends are so because other people call them so. I have never seen people call themselves "legends" except in the console scene. No one, I repeat NO ONE is a legend as far as I see it. There is good, there is better, and there is best. And no matter what, there is always someone out there walking around that is better than you and there are people that see this "legend" thing and this "it's personal now" thing and laughs. Shit like that not only makes me laugh, but it makes me want to be better. No, it's not about money, it's not about picking up from stores, but it DOES seem to be about competition and holding grudges for a LONG LONG time. Let's face it, if it wasn't about competition, this chart wouldn't even exist. But according to some of the same people, it's all 'for fun, not status'. But 'now it's personal'. Please keep the personal bullshit aside. And please don't feed us bullshit about how it's about 'honor'. We're not fucking samurais and it's not about fucking 'honor'. It's about games. Whether or not Magic releases them, and whether or not he helped out in Premiere, it's not and never will be about 'honor'. It's about accepting who you are and the fact that legends do not make themselves. They endure over time and there is always someone better than you. I think in a couple of months people are going to know what I'm talking about here a little more clearly, but as far as everyone is concerned, what happened in the past is the last thing anyone needs to worry about, if what they are worried about is who releases what, is what happened in the past. Look ahead and quit feeding everyone the "legend" crap. We will see waaay down the road who was a legend. At any rate, things look decent as far the console scene goes for the next few months. The Sony Playstation looks killer, and the Saturn looks like it will hold up quite nicely. I'll get to see the U64 in all it's glory at E3 so I can only say that I hope that it lives up to what it has been touted for. Also, the 3DO upgrade will be out very soon and that will propel that system up to the level that the PSX and the Saturn and the U64 is jockeying for. The Jaguar is looking dead, but there is a rumor about a Jaguar upgrade coming out around November, so maybe the Jag will get some life into it (and maybe a real copier). We will see what the console scene shapes into within the next year. If the U64 ends up being a pain in the ass, this whole console chart thing will be a thing of the past (maybe THEN you can count the legends). Anyway, enough of my rambling. Enjoy the charts. +-------------+ | Section # 1 | Super Nintendo & Genesis : English Game Releases +-------------+ Scoring System 0 points - And IPS patch that updates a game from a BETA to Final or Jap to English. (Too many groups do make this) 1 point - Final releases of Beta's and games that were previously released in another language but yet very playable. (ie, Super Nova (shootemup) & Art of Fighting (Fighting). 2 points - New English titles, never been released before and English releases of games that where released in another language and were very unplayable. (ie Genghis Khan). 3 points - Mega releases, a release so good that everyone is playing it and everyone is talking about it. ____/________ ____________ /____ _/ ________ \_/ ___/ . \____ / \ S Cream! - / / / / /_ ___/_ \ \/ / c \_______/ \_____|_______|_|____\ \/____/ o ----------<-rS!-/______|--------/--------\_____\-------------- M ----- r ----- File-name Date Game Name/Company b e Info ------------ ------- ------------------------------------- --- --- --- ---- cre-buck.lzh . 28/95 .. Ren and Stimpy Buckeroos - T*HQ ...... 8 ..... 2 . New Snes Points - 2 Sega Points - - ----- Total English Points = 2 Dragon Avenger - Wow, where did this one come from? I don't recall this game coming this month, but anyhow, it was nice to see it released by a group that is slowly dying??? Are you dying or just taking a rest guys, if it will spur you guys up, bring back Reaction? o ®( M A G ­ C #XX )¯ /_/\ (-fAZ!) :___ /\_________:_________\_\/ _________ | \/ _/ | ______/___ \ ¯ S Magic! - | \ / | _/ o / / \_/ \____/ c |___\/ |___\ |____ /______ /_______ / o --------®----/____|---/___!---\/------\/-------\/------------ M ----- r ----- File-name Date Game Name/Company b e Info ------------ ------- ------------------------------------- --- --- --- ---- magic25e.lha .. 5/95 .. End 2 End Football - Jaleco ........... 8 .... 2 . New magic27w.lha . 11/95 .. Warlock - Ljn ........................ 16 .... 1 . Fin Snes Points - 3 magic26n.lha .. 5/95 .. Ncaa Final Four Basktball - MindScape. 16 .... 2 . New magic28w.lha . 11/95 .. Warlock - Ljn ........................ 16 .... 1 . Fin Sega Points - 3 ----- Total English Points = 6 Dragon Avenger - Hmmmmmm, I am wondering what to write about when it comes to Magic, this guy just seizes to amaze us at times, he got off very lucky this month thanks to Breakdown checking the Warlock games by the old method of file comparing....was Breakdown kissing up to Magic so that he could have pulled him into Cream..dunno? But anyhow, I am kidding Breakdown, so I am not picking on you in any way...! We did see the bust of Striker take place this month, was a big sting in his area code that involved the busts of about 17 bbs boards. So i don't know what you were thinking, but I thought that it might now seal the fate of Magic since his long time friend was now gone(remember, it was only Striker and Magic in this together!) But that was not the case and we soon realized where Magic had jumped ship too, was it very obvious?? I think so! Not all that bad I guess, Magic did put out those 2 sports games so, what else you want me to say...keep it up! Night Assassin - Not much to say, but keep up the good work. You guys have proved to me that you can supply. But there are some things which don't look to organized, for example your filenames have got to be changed, it's annoying to see MAGICXXX.LHA There is an art to the way in which you name files, and you guys don't seem to have it. Just some constructive critism that's all. There seemed to be a lot of confusion concerning the 2 releases of Warlock, but all have been resolved. You guys get your credit. CyberChrist - What can I say? I used to be a big fan of Magic, but as of late, I think everyone in it went south (especially to New York). End-2-End football was a good game, although I didn't like the game play too much. The Warlock games were legit, although I have some differences with the Magic people as to whether to release a final U.S. version or not. I know that NCAA Road to the Final Four sat around for four days before it was released by Magic, so that release was good in that it came out, but as far as speed, I think it could have been better. Now Napalm has to worry about Magic, so I guess it's all Daviolator's problem now. I wish him the best. _______ /\ _______ /\ _____ ___ ___. .-\___ \/ \-\___ \ \/ /__| \/ | S | / / \ ____/ \ / | \/ | c Napalm! - |__/ /______\ |/______\______|___|| | o ----------<-/____/÷e÷---`----'Presents-----------`---'-------- M ----- r ----- File-name Date Game Name/Company b e Info ------------ ------- ------------------------------------- --- --- --- ---- npm-pbf.lzh .. 21/95 .. Pinball Fantasies - Gametek ........... 8 .... 1 . Fin Snes Points - 1 npm-mdjd.lha . 11/95 .. Judge Dredd - Acclaim ................ 16 .... 2 . New npm-agr.lzh .. 20/95 .. Asterix and the Great Rescue - Sega .. 16 .... 0 . Dup npm-col.lzh .. 20/95 .. Columns III - Sega .................... 4 .... 0 . Dup Sega Points - 2 ----- Total English Points = 3 Dragon Avenger - Man, this wouldv'e been a very slow month for these guys if it wasn't for all that excitement that Magic brought along with him to Napalm. So in case you still are weery and don't know what I mean, well, I guess you don't deserve to be in the scene then?!, well, Magic after the bust of Striker, merged up with the Napalm crew. In the span of about 1/2 hour, we all began to realize what had taken place on the 20th day of this month, well, i was bbs surfing and I saw this file npm-col.lzh been uploaded on some major bbs's and I said to myself, wow, what game could it be, well, after one of the risc console guys finished, i checked to see what it was, well, surprisingly it was Columns 3. Soon followed by Columns 3 came Asterix and the Great Rescue, and then followed Pinball Fanatasies. Daviolator thought we all made too much of a big deal about Columns 3, well think about it, I could very well understand duping a group by hours, but not by one full year! Now lets talk about Asterix and the Great Rescue, it was out in all the shops, at least the ones that we contacted in different areas, so i had to give you nil for that one too, as for Pinball Fanatasies, well, you can say we were generous enough to give you the 1 pt for it, as it was nuked on mostly all euro. boards, but yet again, the US matters more! Though we did see yet another Acclaim game from this group, what else is new, they own it.hehehe! I hope Napalm has realized what they have on their shoulders now, and its gonna be a big task getting the quality control personal on Magic. Lets wait and see......! Night Assassin - Look, Napalm shows us that they can still supply even though they lost their key suppliers to Swat. They've always had the strong edge on the Acclaim games, and this month proves it. And never forget that amazing intro (Snes) by Danzig. Great work! On the other hand, it's unlikely to see a dupe from this crew. Censor released Columns III ages ago!! It's official that Magic has joined Napalm! We'll see what happens, I guess with Striker's bust, things will start to change. Only time will tell! CyberChrist - All in all, Napalm had a decent month if you look at it overall. They released Judge Dredd first of the month and the rest came out in the end. Not much in the middle, but I did talk some to Daviolator and all I can say is that I am glad that he has regained his confidence in that he can release Genesis games without Shadow Master . He also told me that he will be taking a break during this summer, leaving the scene for awhile to just chill out. Hopefully the rest of Napalm will remain around and we can look forward to more games, hopefully not dupes. __ ___|\________:_ . .____ __ __ _ __ /_ / : _____ ____| __ : l/ _/ / _|/ /_| |_ | S Rush! - : \ \_ /| _\___ \ ___ : c |____\____/________| |/ í/___|____: o <--------- ---------l_________/mAZ--------------------------- M ----- r ----- File-name Date Game Name/Company b e Info ------------ ------- ------------------------------------- --- --- --- ---- slktens.lzh .. 13/95 .. Weird Tennis - Sega .................. 24 .... 2 . New Snes Points - - Sega Points - 2 ----- Total English Points = 2 Dragon Avenger - I would still like to know, slktens.lzh???? What happened to ru-..lzh, that made me wonder at first, is this for real or a fake? Yet when I went to look within the archive, I noticed it was missing the rush info file, so that me wonder again! But then again, hey, i didn't really try to investigate it much cuz MT's bbs had it, so i assumed it might be a new supplier that was learning the ropes and fucked up the filename, dunno, but I can relate to that as one of our suppliers did that once, so no big problem, the credit was given! According to some people that I have talked to recently, they told me that Mad Turnip was busted, the cause is unknown to me at the moment but that wouldn't be hard to find. In any case, I wish him any luck he deserves in resolving the issue(s) and hopefully we'll see him back to release soon! Night Assassin - It's not the quantity of releases, it's the quality right? Well, it's great to see that this group is still alive in the tough times as it is already!! CyberChrist - If it's quality, not quantity, I would say there is one foot in the grave and the other one sliding in as far as I see it. I don't talk too much with the RuSH guys, but hopefully they will pick it up a little and get into it some more. !eNf_______________________ ________/\_____ __\ _______/_ _ \__\ / / Sneakers! - /_______ / / / ___/ S /. / // / // / \_ c /_____________/____ /_____/______/\______/ o -----------------------------\/------------------------------- M ----- r ----- File-name Date Game Name/Company b e Info ------------ ------- ------------------------------------- --- --- --- ---- snk-star.lzh .. 8/95 .. Secret of the Stars - Tecmo ........... 8 .... 2 . New snk-rh95.lzh . 19/95 .. Roller Hockey '95 - American Soft .... 16 .... 2 . New snk-tsn.lzh .. 25/95 .. TSN Baseball - Hudson Soft ........... 16 .... 1 . Fin snk-mwar.lzh . 26/95 .. Metal Warriors - Konami .............. 16 .... 2 . New snk-cop.lzh .. 27/95 .. Timecop - JVC/LucasArts .............. 16 .... 1 . Fin Snes Points - 8 Sega Points - - ----- Total English Points = 8 Dragon Avenger - What can I say, even when it was slow for other groups this month, Sneakers still rose above the rest and showed us that they can do it even if times are slow! This group works as a team when it comes to times like this, and I can honestly say, things worked out for us. Lets get to the games they put out this month, Metal Warriors was a game that everyone was looking forward to, I know Fallen Angel was! Keep it up guys! Night Assassin - What can I say? This is my team, and I'm damn proud to be a part of it, there maybe times where I do not show that I care, but always remember guys, you've asked me to join, and I shall never leave. SNK till the console scene dies. A circle of friends which cannot be broken by anyone. Sorry to the rest of you guys who are not in Sneakers, I had to get this off my chest. Thanks... 'j CyberChrist - Sneakers is a cool bunch of guys. I will have to admit that I like a lot of the guys in it, including Artic Cat!, Wing Leader, and Dragon Avenger. Fallen Angel seems to be allright, although maybe a but overzealous. But all the games they released were good games. I especially liked Metal Warriors, but that's just the Cybernator in me.. .. anyway, nice work from SNK. We will see how May shapes up. +----------------------------------------+ | * [T]he [W]arner [B]rothers! * | | * (And the Warner Sister!) * | - The Warner | * P R E S E N T S * | S Brothers! | ************************************* | c | ************************************* | o ----------------+----------------------------------------+---- M ----- r ----- File-name Date Game Name/Company b e Info ------------ ------- ------------------------------------- --- --- --- ---- TWB-LTBB.LZH .. 1/95 .. Looney Toons BasketBall - Sunsoft .... 16 .... 2 . New TWB-JBOY.LZH . 17/95 .. Jelly Boy - Ocean/EA .................. 8 .... 2 . New Snes Points - 4 Sega Points - - ----- Total English Points = 4 Dragon Avenger - They started off the month with a game that had been expected for quite some time now! Not a bad game to start off the month with, agreed?! Though this group is slowly picking up every month, it still remains to be seen if they will be of any force to the scene. One quick note, can we say ansi??????? I think i will have to call up Enforcer so that he will do a nice ansi for this group so that it will make this ansi look better for Console World! All 3 of us had something to say about the ansi! Night Assassin - What a way to start off the month, Looney Toons BBall is a very nice release. I think these guys watch just a little too many cartoons. Other than that, I have no problems with these dudes! No offence, but you guys need a little work with your ansi! CyberChrist - I think Amiga guys need to get a real computer and quit looking at ansis too much. Play the game! _ ________________ ___________. \\__ _ / _ \ ______ _| TRISTAR & | \__/ _/ _/____ \ | RED SECTOR S TRSI! - | \ \ \_ \ \ ¦ INC. c L_____/____\ /_______/__:_ PRESENTS o ---------==============\__/========================----------- M ----- r ----- File-name Date Game Name/Company b e Info ------------ ------- ------------------------------------- --- --- --- ---- trsi-tut.lha .. 7/95 .. Turbo Tunes - Empire Software ......... 4 .... 2 . New tris-jp3.lha . 13/95 .. James Pond III - Ocean ............... 16 .... 2 . New Snes Points - 4 Sega Points - - ----- Total English Points = 4 Dragon Avenger - They are releasing at least 2 games a month now, hey, that is some form of consistency that will earn you respect, better to release in a con- sistent manner if you ask me! James Pond 3 was a nice release though! Night Assassin - These guys never seem to quit do they? I still remember TRSI from the old Amiga days. But that's quite different now. As always TRSI shows us that they can be consistant, and it is satisfying to see these guys change from releasing old/dupes to new quality console files. CyberChrist - These guys never seem to quit, do they? I still remember TRSI from the old VIC-20 days. They were slow then, they were slow last month. But a game is a game and James Pond III was a game. It was allright, although I liked the PC version better. Anything is better on the PC anyway... :) Q _______________________________ ! U // // // _ ) 1 a |: | |: ______/:' | / 9 S | : \_____ \| : ( 9 S Quasar! - A | / |____| \ 5 c R \___\ _:__________/ !pL \ \ ! o -----------<=======)__/===================)____)==------------ M ----- r ----- File-name Date Game Name/Company b e Info ------------ ------- ------------------------------------- --- --- --- ---- qsr-apog.lha . 13/95 .. Asterix - Power of the Gods - Sega ... 16 .... 1 . Fin Snes Points - - Sega Points - 1 ----- Total English Points = 1 Dragon Avenger - Was slow for these guys this month, trsi was a tad faster for them i guess?! zzzzzzzzzz......zzzzzzzzzzzz! Night Assassin - Good work fellas... not much to say, but keep it up. You guys have shown all of us that Germany can supply the quality games. Blah, you have probably heard this before. CyberChrist - Blah, blah, blah.. asterix was a nice game, and I'm probably one of the few that has seen the comic in 5 different languages. Blah, blah, blah, nice to see Germans supply games... blah, blah.. English Releases Points Standings (April 1st - April 30th) +------+------------------------+--------------+-------------+--------------+ | Rank | Console Group Name | SNES Points | SEGA Points | TOTAL Points | +------+------------------------+--------------+-------------+--------------+ 1 ... Sneakers ...................... 8 ........... 0 ............ 8 2 ... Magic ......................... 3 ........... 3 ............ 6 3a .. Trsi .......................... 4 ........... 0 ............ 4 b .. TWB - The Warner Bro's ........ 4 ........... 0 ............ 4 4 ... Napalm ........................ 1 ........... 2 ............ 3 5a .. Cream ......................... 2 ........... 0 ............ 2 b .. Rush .......................... 0 ........... 2 ............ 2 6 ... Quasar ........................ 0 ........... 1 ............ 1 _____________________________________________________________________________ +-------------+ | Section # 2 | Super Nintendo & Genesis : Non-English Games +-------------+ Scoring System 0 points - A Non-english release of a game that was already out in english. 1 point - Games that are very unplayable (Rpg's, Puzzle & Mahjong) 2 points - Non-English games that are very playable (ie Sport's Action & Fighters) 3 points - Mega releases, a release so good that everyone is playing it and everyone is talking about it. __ _____________.________________.____ / \\__ _\__ | | \__ / \ | / S / \| | | | _ |/ _/ | \_ _/ c Anthrox!- _/ /\ \_ | | | | |\ \_ | _/ | \_ o ----------\_____\__/_|__|__|__|__| \__/____\___|___/-----------M------ r ----- File-name Date Game Name/Company b e Info ------------ ------- ------------------------------------- --- --- --- ---- atx-splf.lha .. 4/95 .. Spiderman Lethal Foes - .............. 16 .... 2 . Plt atx-emi2.lha .. 7/95 .. Emit Volume 2 - Keoi ................. 24 .... 1 . Edu atx-emi3.lha .. 7/95 .. Emit Volume 3 - Keoi ................. 24 .... 1 . Edu atx-espa.lzh . 25/95 .. Esparks - Tomy ....................... 12 .... 1 . Rpg atx-mkin.lha . 25/95 .. Majan Kindai - Imagineer .............. 8 .... 1 . ??? atx-love.lha . 28/95 .. Love Story Main 1382 - Bandai ......... 8 .... 0 . Dup Snes Points - 7 Sega Points - - ----- Total Non-English Points = 7 Dragon Avenger - Pulled off 7 points this month.....quite impressive for anyone to pull off this many games against Edge as well! Though there were some occasions when conflicts did arise b/w Edge and Anthrox, but in fair fashion, they were resolved and yet we did still see a dupe from Anthrox. Love story, well, Sigma pleaded his case Doze, simple fact of the matter was that, USS Enterprise was down when Doze called. But all major bbs's had the edge one though! All in all, it was a good month for Sigma, keep it up big boy, and let me know when you need some more help on s!express...hehehe! Night Assassin - From what I've heard, those Emit Volume titles are for the Japanese to learn english? Strange, but it goes to show that ATX can release Jap titles for the hell of it. Too bad there isn't the quality as with last month's Rockman VII, but hay, cool titles do not come out every month. And giving Edge some competition is nice! CyberChrist - What can I say? I like Anthrox, and it's funny to see them release Japanese games. As far as quality, no one group can do shit about quality of games. If someone doesn't like a game, then write the game manufacturer. I don't believe that groups blow off a game because of quality. Give me a break. Anyway, Spiderman was a cool game. So was Majan Kindai, so I don't know about giving it a '1'... !eNf________ _____ _______ _________ __\ ____/____/___ \__/ ____/__\ _____/__ / _/ / / \___/__ / _/ / S Edge! - // /. / / / // / c /________ /_________ /_______ /________ / o -----------------\/---------\/-------\/--------\/------------- M ----- r ----- File-name Date Game Name/Company b e Info ------------ ------- ------------------------------------- --- --- --- ---- edg-lady.lha .. 1/95 .. Lady Stalker - Taito ................. 24 .... 1 . Rpg edg-zenn.lha . 11/95 .. Zennihon Puroresu II - Masaya/NCS .... 24 .... 1 . Spt edg-guru.lha . 20/95 .. Mahoujin GuruGuru - Enix ............. 16 .... 1 . Rpg edg-pvma.lha . 20/95 .. PV Mahjong - Seta .................... 16 .... 1 . Puz edg-shin.lha . 20/95 .. Shin Sengokuden - Interbec ........... 12 .... 1 . Stg edg-ware.lha . 20/95 .. La Wares - Yutaka .................... 12 .... 1 . Rpg edg-dant.lha . 23/95 .. Super Dante - Ascii ................... 8 .... 1 . Rpg edg-bake.lha . 23/95 .. Bakeno '95 - Teichiko ................. 8 .... 1 . Spt edg-shoh.lha . 23/95 .. Shogi Oh - Imagineer .................. 8 .... 1 . Chs edg-drif.lha . 23/95 .. Super Drift Out - Visco .............. 16 .... 2 . Spt edg-ther.lha . 23/95 .. Turf Hero - Tecmo .................... 16 .... 1 . Spt edg-apar.lzh . 24/95 .. Appare - Sunsoft ..................... 12 .... 3 . Act edg-aces.lzh . 24/95 .. Ace Striker - Tnn/Nhk '95 ............ 12 .... 2 . Spt edg-spri.lzh . 24/95 .. Bank Roll Sprinter - ................. 12 .... 1 . Spt edg-pacc.lzh . 24/95 .. Pachinko Collection II - ............. 16 .... 1 . Gbl edg-sbom.lha . 25/95 .. Bombliss - Bulletproof ................ 4 .... 3 . Puz edg-orag.lha . 26/95 .. Oraga Land - Vic Tokai ................ 4 .... 2 . Puz edg-pin2.lha . 26/95 .. Super Pinball II - Meldac ............ 12 .... 2 . Pin edg-bom3.lzh . 26/95 .. Bomberman III - Hudson ............... 12 .... 3 . Puz edg-espf.lha . 26/95 .. Esparks 100% - Tomy .................. 12 .... - . Dup edg-love.lha . 28/95 .. Love Story - Bandai ................... 8 .... 1 . Jap edg-mon2.lha . 29/95 .. The Monopoly Game 2 - Tomy ........... 12 .... 1 . Jap edg-lqst.lha . 30/95 .. Love Quest - Tokuma Shoten Intermedia. 12 .... 1 . Rpg edg-mpop.lha . 30/95 .. Magical Pop - Pack-in-Video Co.Ltd ... 16 .... 3 . Plt Snes Points - 36 Sega Points - - ----- Total Non-English Points = 36 Dragon Avenger - Can we say domination, i guess so, DOMINATION! Congrats to my bro, Doze for his hard work in forming this group and making it a household name now. Though he has had to contend with ATX at times, he still gets his job done quickly and efficiently. With guys like Papillion, AC!, Empire, and their new addition Mumbly, they are rocking and having fun. Night Assassin - Not much to say, but keep up all the good work. You guys have done what Romkids did more than a year ago. But there is no attitude involved, which commands more respect from the scene than your predecessors. But look out, Anthrox is still around but you guys still take the cake. Congrats on your group Doze. And bring on the Mah Jong games! Can't get enough!!! Old Skool beat you to that Esparks 100% Jap final.. It's just that the OS version didn't get spread as much... does anyone really care? CyberChrist - I like Japanese games, so I guess that means you will see another group release them very very soon . But anyhow... I actually play most of these games and they are all mostly playable. Only ones that are a total bitch are the RPGs, but that doesn't warrant ranking them less. At any rate, Doze is doing a good job and I guess Papillon is helping out, but time will tell as to whether it is going to keep up. : ._____ :_____ _____®""|______.| _ /__:_____ __. | . Y / . | ____|! //. | . Y |__ S | ! ! /\ ! |___ / . _/ i | ! | | | c l_____|____\___!| \__| \____|_____!_____| o ----------*--[FAZ!] ------|____/-l___\---·-----:-----*-------- M ----- r ----- File-name Date Game Name/Company b e Info ------------ ------- ------------------------------------- --- --- --- ---- os-spark.lzh . 25/95 .. Esparks 100% - Tomy .................. 12 .... 1 . 100 Snes Points - 1 Sega Points - - ----- Total Non-English Points = 1 Dragon Avenger - Why even bother, please do let us know????? Night Assassin - Ok so you guys get the credit for this one. I suppose, but hay, a 100% release for a Japanese RPG? I guess if you guys don't do it, someone else will! Hello to Faz! CyberChrist - Maybe they called the BBS before Devious Doze did... Non-English Releases Points Standings (April 1st - April 30th) +------+------------------------+--------------+-------------+--------------+ | Rank | Console Group Name | SNES Points | SEGA Points | TOTAL Points | +------+------------------------+--------------+-------------+--------------+ 1 ... Edge ......................... 36 ........... 0 ........... 36 2 ... Anthrox ....................... 7 ........... 0 ............ 7 3 ... OS - Old Skool ................ 1 ........... 0 ............ 1 _____________________________________________________________________________ +-------------+ | Section # 3 | Super Nintendo & Genesis : Coding (Trainers only!) +-------------+ Scoring System 1 point - is Available and given to the group the release the Trainer first, all other groups get no points. 2 points - Goes to all things like demos and intros. 3 points - are available for any Sega Genesis trainers. The first group getting 2 points and if possible the second group gets 1 point. __ _____________.________________.____ / \\__ _\__ | | \__ / \ | / S / \| | | | _ |/ _/ | \_ _/ c _/ /\ \_ | | | | |\ \_ | _/ | \_ o \_____\__/_|__|__|__|__| \__/____\___|___/-------------------- r -- File-name Date Game +'s e ------------ ------- ----------------------------- --- --- --- - atx-iq_2.lzh .. 3/95 .. Izzy's Quest - ............... 2 ..... 1 atx-sl_3.lha .. 4/95 .. Spiderman Lethal Foes - ...... 3 ..... 1 atx-jboy.lha . 19/95 .. Jelly Boy - Ocean ............ 6 ..... 0 ----- Total Coding Points = 2 Dragon Avenger - What ever happened to that dominant training force that we once became to knew??? Those were the days, now they don't care as much yet they still do it for fun, its nice guys, but I think Nightfall needs some kind of competition, don't you? Night Assassin - These guys have showed us once again, that Anthrox stands for quality. Wild Fire is doing a great job releasing the trainers when people actually want them, ie the day after the game is released. Plus, the trainer menu is beautifully done. Good work. As usual. During the middle of the month, busts in Montreal were happening, and it's a shame to see my friend Wild Fire go down with it. Good luck and I hope this doesn't affect ATX's training division. (Which it probably will though) CyberChrist - huhuhuhuhuhh... trainers are cool.... ______________ ___________ _ \\_______ /__ _____________ _ _/ _/____/_/ _____// S . \ \ | | c Y B E R . c . \____. |\_____| f O R C E . o : `-----' :------------------ r -- File-name Date Game +'s e ------------ ------- ----------------------------- --- --- --- - cf-jp34t.lzh . 16/95 .. James Pond III - Ocean ....... 4 ..... 0 ----- Total Coding Points = 0 Dragon Avenger - Speed is a must!!! Whatever happened to this crew, they used to be right up there with the best of them, guys, start caring a bit more and put some more effort into it again! Night Assassin - Not much to say but FASTER next time! Trsi beat you guys on this one! Better next month! CyberChrist - Here's a group close to my heart! Too bad they are not releasing nearly as much as they used to, but that tends to happen... S __ __ |__ |_ __ __ || c .-( )|(__|| )l__,l_ (__|||---->> o | ---' | ---------------------------- r -- File-name Date Game +'s e ------------ ------- ----------------------------- --- --- --- - n!ltbb1.lha .. 2/95 ... Looney Toons BBall - Sunsoft.. 1 ..... 1 n!spl4.lha ... 4/95 ... Spiderman Lethal Foes - ...... 4 ..... 0 n!warl3.lha . 11/95 ... Warlock - Ljn ................ 3 ..... 1 n!jp3-4.lha . 14/95 ... James Pond III - Ocean ....... 4 ..... 1 n!jboy5.lha . 19/95 ... Jelly Boy - Ocean ............ 5 ..... 1 n!drift1.lha. 24/95 ... Super Drift Out - Visco ...... 1 ..... 1 n!appar5.lha. 24/95 ... Appare - Sunsoft ............. 5 ..... 1 n!bomb3.lha . 27/95 ... Super Bomberman 3 - Hudson ... 4 ..... - n!b3fix.lha . 27/95 ... Super Bomberman 3 bugfixed ... 4 ..... 1 n!copus7.lha. 28/95 ... Timecop - JVC/LucasArts ...... 7 ..... 1 n!mwar3.lha . 28/95 ... Metal Warriors - Konami ...... 3 ..... 1 n!r&sbu5.lha. 29/95 ... Ren & Stimpy Bukeroos - T*HQ.. 5 ..... 1 n!mpop5.lha . 30/95 ... Magical Pop - Pack-in-Video .. 5 ..... 1 ----- Total Coding Points = 11 Dragon Avenger - These guys are the Edge of the training scene nowadays, they are quick and do they a good job training games as well, i really admire their work, they seem to be there when a game is released, sheer luck or just a gut feeling?! Good job fellas! Night Assassin - Congratulations on another fine month of quality training. You guys are doing great. Every month, it's the same story, Nightfall or Anthrox come very close. I guess it's pretty much a tie. So, I guess it's safe to assume that the scene is better off knowing that you guys (ATX as well) can rest easy because we have great coders making our gaming pleasure a bit more easier! CyberChrist - Nightfall is a bunch of cool guys and of course, with some of them being Italian, I can't help but to like them. Questa gente e molto inteligente e sanno come 'code' il SNES molto bene! ___ ____ __ __ __ __ ____ ___ / \ / __| - | | | / __| / \ | || | |__ | V | | |__| _| | || | S | \___| | | | | | | | | | | |___/ | c \___/ | ._/|__| |__|\_. |\_. | \___/ o ::... . `--' `--' `--' `--' . ...::------------------ r -- File-name Date Game +'s e ------------ ------- ----------------------------- --- --- --- - s!startr.lzh . 17/95 .. Secret of the Stars - Tecmo .. 1 ..... 1 ----- Total Coding Points = 1 Dragon Avenger - I won't even comment here, ack, maybe I will! Guys, one trainer, sure you might say the effort was there, but c'mon, you are playing with the big boys now and if you want to climb to the top you WILL have to just crank it up into 5 more gears up, I don't doubt you are capable, now you must prove it! Night Assassin - Haha... I read in your NFO files that you guys are back since Console World is back! So you guys are back for the status, I'll give you guys my respect with that Secret of the Stars trainer (How creative) And with a group name called 'Smile' good things are bound to happen. CyberChrist - I think a few people in the console scene could take a hint from the name of this group. _ ________________ ___________. \\__ _ / _ \ ______ _| TRISTAR & | \__/ _/ _/____ \ | RED SECTOR S | \ \ \_ \ \ ¦ INC. c L_____/____\ /_______/__:_ PRESENTS o -==============\__/========================------------------- r -- File-name Date Game +'s e ------------ ------- ----------------------------- --- --- --- - trsi-jpt.lzh . 14/95 .. James Pond III - Ocean ....... 3 ..... 1 trsi-jb5.lzh . 20/95 .. Jelly Boy - Ocean ............ 5 ..... 0 trsi-pb2.lha . 26/95 .. Super Pinball 2 - Meldac ..... 1 ..... 1 trsi-mp3.lzh . 30/95 .. Magical Pop - Pack-in-Video .. 3 ..... 0 ----- Total Coding Points = 1 Dragon Avenger - They are now starting to train games, good luck to Conan! Night Assassin - My my, during the middle of the month instead of putting out games, these guys shows us that they can train them as well! I wonder if this is going to be a one time thing, or? As I usually say, only time will tell! Coding Points Standings (Mar 1st to Mar 31st) +------+------------------------+--------------+-------------+--------------+ | Rank | Coding Group Name | SNES Points | SEGA Points | TOTAL Points | +------+------------------------+--------------+-------------+--------------+ 1 ... Nightfall .................... 36 ........... 0 ........... 36 2 ... Anthrox ....................... 2 ........... 0 ............ 2 3a .. Smile ......................... 1 ........... 0 ............ 1 b .. Trsi .......................... 1 ........... 0 ............ 1 4 ... Cyber Force ................... 0 ........... 0 ............ 0 _____________________________________________________________________________ Night Assassin - Before we end, I thought it would be funny to show the game the has been trained by the most groups. It's not too hard to look and see which game, so I've decided to include it! Actually we have a tie for first place this month! Here goes : +-------------------------+---------+--------------+-------------+-----+ |Game/Company | Date |File-name |Group | +'s | +-------------------------+---------+--------------+-------------+-----+ |James Pond III - Ocean | 14/95 . n!jp3-4.lha . Nightfall . 4 | | | 14/95 . trsi-jpt.lzh . TriStar Inc . ? | | | 16/95 . cf-jp34t.lzh . CyberForce . 4 | |Jellyboy - Ocean | 19/95 . atx-jboy.lha . Anthrox . 6 | | | 19/95 . n!jboy5.lha . Nightfall . 5 | | | 20/95 . trsi-jb5.lzh . TriStar Inc . 5 | +-------------------------+---------+--------------+-------------+-----+ There you go, it's a tie for 1st place with 3 groups each. Boy, are these Ocean games really worth training? I personally think Ocean sucks. Hah. And make sure you guys tell me what you think of this new section! Night Assassin - Well, like I always stress before, it's hard to tell who comes out winning at the end of the month. So, I will let the readers decide who comes out on top. Just imagine if Elitendo were still doing the trainers.. what confusion that would be. I'm pretty sure there are fans of Anthrox who only patch the ATX trainers, and I'm certain that it's the same for Nightfall as well. So, as usual, I end this section by saying, keep up all the good work, you guys are a very unique division in the scene, one that everyone should appreciate your efforts! Oh yeah, where are the damn SEGA trainers!? Only if there were as many SEGA trainers as there are NTSC/PAL fixes! Oh another note, what happened to cool group games like Shoot Your Load (ATX) and that SNES Pacman (Elite) That's the kind of stuff which people in the scene are dying to see. Also, demos are very nice to watch, I remember some older demos on the SNES which kicked ass, but noone really seemed to appreciate the efforts which went into them. +-------------+ | Section # 4 | Handhelds Division (NEW!) - Gameboy & GameGear +-------------+ Scoring System 0 points - A game that has been duped! Or works fine on a Smart Card. 1 point - A game that is a 100% version, or an unplayable Japanese title (ie Final Fantasy III!) Or a trainer for a Gameboy/GameGear game (Since the handhelds are to small to have their own seperate section!) 2 points - Any new game that is released (Or a final of a game that wasn't very playable ie Final Fantasy III! <- Har!) GB/GG - If its a gameboy game, its abbreviation will be gb and gg for gamegear respectively! Notes : The +'s are added in the charts to make our life easier! So, some of it may apply and some may not! Use your head! 8) _________________________________________ _ \\\_ _ \_ ____/_____/ _ \____ \____ _/// | | |___ | \__ | | | / _/ | | S | _ | | | | | _ | _ \| | | y S Asgard! - .| | | | | | | | | | | | |:::. s c .::|__| |_____|_____|__| |__| |_____|ZaCK t o --------.-----|__|-[ pRESENTS ]-|__|--|__|---------.---- e --- M ----- r - File-name Date Game Name m b +'s e ------------ ------- ------------------------------- --- - --- --- ---- asg-bat.lzh ... 2/95 .. Batman ........................ gb ... - . 2 . 1 asg-cst.lzh ... 2/95 .. Castlevania ................... gb ... - . 1 . 1 asg-btl3.lzh .. 3/95 .. BeetleJuice ................... gb ... - . 3 . 1 asg-grm2.lzh .. 3/95 .. Gremlins II ................... gb ... - . 2 . 1 asg-pman.lha .. 6/95 .. Pac Man ....................... gb ... - . 1 . 1 asg-rodl.lha . 14/95 .. Rodland ....................... gb .. 0.5. - . 2 asg-para.lha . 14/95 .. Parasol Stars ................. gb ... 1 . - . 2 asg-boja.lha . 15/95 .. Bo Jackson 2 in 1 ............. gb ... 1 . - . 2 asg-bran.lha . 15/95 .. Brain Bender .................. gb .. 0.5. - . 2 asg-png1.lzh . 15/95 .. Pang .......................... gb ... - . 1 . 1 asg-alol.lha . 16/95 .. Alien Olympics ................ gb ... 1 . - . 2 asg-robo.lzh . 16/95 .. James Pond - Robocod .......... gb ... 1 . - . 2 asg-rob2.lzh . 16/95 .. James Pond - Robocod .......... gb ... - . 2 . 1 ----- Total Handheld Points = 19 Dragon Avenger - Asgard, nice job guys, though all the games were for the gameboy, i think some gamegear games would be nice too?! But I really don't care for gb/gg, its like going back into the past rather then moving forward, and the u-64, psx, and saturn are the future! Night Assassin - First it was Anthrox releasing trainers for Gameboy, now I notice Asgard is putting them out. Nice work fellas.. It would be interesting to see a trainer menu though. It reminds me of the old days when BSL would release a trainer without any menus. Later this month, we see that these guys just won't quit. Great work fellas! Greets to Sharon and the rest! CyberChrist - Asgard are my buds. Sharon runs the SWaT Euro HQ, so I can't help but to like them. Just too bad that most of these games are ANCIENT. But release is a release and no one else had done them, so no one can complain. __ _____________.________________.____ S / \\__ _\__ | | \__ / \ | / y S / \| | | | _ |/ _/ | \_ _/ s c Anthrox!- _/ /\ \_ | | | | |\ \_ | _/ | \_ t o ----------\_____\__/_|__|__|__|__| \__/____\___|___/---- e --- M ----- r - File-name Date Game Name m b +'s e ------------ ------- ------------------------------- --- - --- --- ---- atx-casi.lha .. 2/95 .. In the Casino ................. gg ... 4 . - . 2 atx-ddev.lha .. 2/95 .. Digital Devil Story ........... gg ... 4 . - . 1 atx-gher.lha .. 2/95 .. Gunstar Heroes ................ gg ... 4 . - . 2 atx-ntro.lha .. 2/95 .. Nitro Racing .................. gg ... 1 . - . 2 atx-sdr2.lha .. 2/95 .. Sonic Drift II ................ gg ... 4 . - . 2 atx-swar.lha .. 2/95 .. Super Wars .................... gg ... 2 . - . 2 atx-whro.lha .. 2/95 .. SD Winning Heroes ............. gg ... 4 . - . 2 atx-xmen.lzh .. 2/95 .. The X-Men ..................... gg ... 4 . - . 2 atx-ggds.lha .. 6/95 .. Game Gear Smart Dos - PFQ/PFQ . gg ... - . - . 1 atx-shf2.lha .. 8/95 .. Shining Force II .............. gg ... 4 . - . 2 atx-gbs.lha .. 12/95 .. Gameboy SmartCard Dos - SWC DX. gb ... - . - . 1 ----- Total Handheld Points = 19 Dragon Avenger - Is there anything these guys don't do??? Night Assassin - Wow! Look at this great month for Anthrox, tonnes of quality titles to choose from. It kinda wants to make me go out and buy a GameGear. Hehe.. well great job Sigma! CyberChrist - Ha! Japanese handheld games.. what can I say but 'coolness'. Too bad the GameBoy/GameGear copier does not ACTUALLY COPY GAMEGEAR GAMES!! Grr.. oh well, I guess ATX has some kind of GG copier, so we will get the games from them.. <_______________________________> ________ _____ _____| / _/ .___/__| |\__ | / S \ |___\___ __\/ | _/_ y S \ : /| || | s c Chaotix!- \_______/ |_____||____| | t o ________________________________|____|__________________ e ___ M _____ r _ o File-name Date Game Name m b +'s e ------------ ------- ------------------------------- --- - --- --- ---- ctx-mman.lzh .. 1/95 .. Megaman - Dr. Wiley's Revenge . gb ... 2 ..-.. 0 ctx-pboy.lzh .. 1/95 .. Paperboy ...................... gb .. 0.5..-.. 0 ctx-tmnt.lzh .. 1/95 .. TMNT - Fall of the Foot Clan .. gb ... 1 ..-.. 0 ctx-t2.lzh .... 1/95 .. Terminator II ................. gb ... 1 ..-.. 0 ----- Total Handheld Points = 0 Dragon Avenger - Was someone desperate for credits or was someone just bored?? I cannot say for sure, but like NA commented below, i think we need to have someone knock on their door and tell them to wake up from their very long hangover, cuz that's what it seems like! Night Assassin - Hello? Anyone home? These titles should be nuked everywhere! I have a capture of all the files which were released on Gameboy and GameGear and I checked all these out. They are not even 100% versions because I know for a fact that those games works fine on a Smart Card. I used to own one, and luckily for me,I am co on Domino Effect which has ALL the Gameboy/GameGear titles online for my leeching pleasure. So whoever this Chaotix is, please refrain from releasing this garbage. Plus, the logo is disgusting. No offence, but you guys should look ahead instead of releasing this crap. !eNf________ _____ _______ _________ __\ ____/____/___ \__/ ____/__\ _____/__ S / _/ / / \___/__ / _/ / y S Edge! - // /. / / / // / s c /________ /_________ /_______ /________ / t o -----------------\/---------\/-------\/--------\/------- e --- M ----- r - File-name Date Game Name m b +'s e ------------ ------- ------------------------------- --- - --- --- ---- edg-kirb.lha . 27/95 .. Kirby Dreamland ............... gb ... - . 1 . 1 edg-sped.lha . 27/95 .. Speedy Gonzales ............... gb ... - . 1 . 1 ----- Total Handheld Points = 2 Dragon Avenger - Edge has now required the services of Mumbly, good job on those trainers, i heard they looked very nice, keep it up guys! /\ __ ___/\_______________/\_________ / \/ \/ / \ ____/ \____/ / S Mystic! - / \__ \___ \_ \/ \_ /_/\_ y S _/ \/ \ / / / \_ / / / s c \_____/ \____/_____/______/___/______/ t o --------+----\________/-(·P·R·E·S·E·N·T·S·)---RpD!-+---- e --- M ----- r - File-name Date Game Name m b +'s e ------------ ------- ------------------------------- --- - --- --- ---- mst-m2tr.lha .. 9/95 .. Mickey Mouse II ............... gg ... - . 2 . 1 mst-tjtr.lha .. 9/95 .. Tom and Jerry ................. gg ... - . 2 . 1 mst-wvtr.lha . 19/95 .. Wake of the Vampire ........... gg ... - . 1 . 1 mst-sntr.lha . 19/95 .. Simpsons ...................... gg ... - . 1 . 1 ----- Total Handheld Points = 4 Night Assassin - Hay, look! Mystic is doing trainers for GameGear! Cool! It's good to see that Mystic is still alive and at least doing something for the scene since Wild Fire left for ATX. Well anyways, good job Mumbly! S y S ******************************************** s c S O N S O F B O R E D O M t o --------********************************************---- e --- M ----- r - File-name Date Game Name m b +'s e ------------ ------- ------------------------------- --- - --- --- ---- sob-alie.lzh . 15/95 .. Aliens III (100%) ............. gb ... 1 . - . 1 ----- Total Handheld Points = 1 Night Assassin - Are you really that bored Sigma? 8) __________ _____________________ / ____ | | / \__ ___/ /\__. \ |/\| / | \| \CC! S Swat! - / | \ / --- \ \ y S (__________/ ./\____)________) \ s c SWAT '95(____| |_______) t o ------------<=========[PROUDLY PRESENTS]=========>------ e --- M ----- r - File-name Date Game Name m b +'s e ------------ ------- ------------------------------- --- - --- --- ---- swat_pic.lzh . 27/95 .. Mario's Picross ............... gb ... 2 . - . 2 ----- Total Handheld Points = 2 Dragon Avenger - Hmm, is this the best that could be done by this group? Someone commented to me the other day, 'is swat getting desperate now?', and i said that is something they will have to answer for you. With a whole bunch of gameboy/gamegear games, they were only able to release 1 measly game, are they finding competition fierce in the handheld section too, well, that will only be known in time! Handhelds Points Standings (Mar 1st to Mar 31st) +------+---------------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | Rank | Handheld Group Name | GBoy Points | GGear Points | TOTAL Points | +------+---------------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ 1a ... Anthrox .................. 1 ............ 18 ........... 19 b ... Asgard .................. 19 ............. 0 ........... 19 2 .... Mystic ................... 0 ............. 4 ............ 4 3a ... Edge ..................... 2 ............. 0 ............ 2 b ... Swat ..................... 2 ............. 0 ............ 2 4 .... Sons of Boredom .......... 1 ............. 0 ............ 1 5 .... Chaotix .................. 0 ............. 0 ............ 0 _____________________________________________________________________________ +---------+ -| SUMMARY |- +---------+ Dragon Avenger - I hope you enjoyed another installement of Console World, it took more time in this venture, but it was worth the wait. As I write this ending note, I can already see that May is going to be an excited month for some groups, new developments happening already and some old faces joining with some old groups. It will be exciting next month, and I cannot wait. Until then, I wish the best to you all, and keep on enjoying the scene! As for greetz, ick, they take time and if I miss someone, then i never hear the end of it, well, in any case, NA devised a greetz list below, if I was to compile mine right now, It would take more about 1 hour more to type them out, there is a lot of people I know in the scene and I have devel- oped friendships with lots of them, i would like to send greetz out to all those who know me and to those whom I know, that includes those dudes in Europe, so don't think I forgot you, I know you are there and peace to y'all! -eNNAY final notes : It's kind of funny, for me doing this issue because I have mostly been thinking of the old days, which my style of commentary may be reflected from my attitude! There are still a good number of cool titles that I personally want to see, here goes : Secret of Evermore, Chrono Trigger and that new SGI rendered Mario game. As you can tell, I'm a big Squaresoft fan. Hehe.. Most of the comments regarding Console World has been positive. That's why I have always been happy to waste my time and energy typing up these charts. You may ask yourself why? Well, the answer is simple, for YOU! That's right, YOU, the reader is why I'm keeping this magazine alive. We would like to give the people in the scene something to look forward to at the beginning of each month, and for the last 3 issues that I've been involved in, it's been a blast. The Console scene is all that I know, all that I care for. The Amiga scene used to be great (but we won't want to get into that) and the iBM scene is too big and disgusting. As my good friend r/\\/e mentioned before, the Console Scene is the closest scene compared to the C64 (the good ol'days) but I wouldn't know about that. I'm too young to know anything about it. And to all my overseas friends, hang in there guys, I know it's fucking tough to call out at the moment. And it shows because you guys are the ones who made the boards in North America what they are today. Oh no! My big ass greet list is coming up once again! Special thanks to > WiCKED! < : You got my SEGA, and I love you for that man! Million of thanks from me and S! Ayatollah, Keyboard Kid, g.E.m, Black Mantle, Wild Fire, Raj!, mega, Delta Liquid Nitro, r/\\/e, Vivid, Cityhunter, Fallen Angel, Dragon Avenger, faz! BlueWater, [-Amok-], Big Balls, Chaos, Wing Leader, Slum-Dweller, ice cube, Shadower, Sigma Seven, Night Fisher, Yankee Rose, eNf, Shinobi, Artic Cat, Prizm, Devious Doze, The Roamer, Big Boss, Betrayer, Slapshot, Chaos, The White Knight, Kaptain Kaos, Grim Reaper, Sonic Youth, Eric the RED Mad Turnip, Nostromo, Wolf, Sweet Thing & Hydro, DeathKnight, Papillon, Jake, Fury, Pharaoh, AXE/MST, Poise, -redSkin, mAZ!, Stephen King, The Doc 2Tuff, 2Fast, Shylock, BamBam, Andeveron, Sharon, iCZER-1, Radio Active The Lone Rebel, X/\D, Popcorn, r2d2!, the whole SWAT crew, The Hoodlum, The 7a3, Breakdown, Parker Lewis, Doc Holliday, Sledge, MCA, SiZZLER, Mr. Mister (This dude smells like a Rhino! Told YA!) <( and the love of my life (SY) )> Do I actually know all those people above? Yikes!!! To all that I have forgotten... Post me some mail reminding me, and I'll get you into it! Like that big list? Well, it's because I love you guys... hehe.. till next month... Ciao! CyberChrist - Hmm... anyway, nice month overall actually. Very dead, but a lot of interesting developments behind the scenes. SWaT nonexhistant for the month, but that was only in the releasing. SNK had a good month, NPM will get through the dupe fiasco and move on, and everyone else will continue doing what they did. Who knows if I will get another chance to do this chart again? I think after some of my comments they will hunt me down all the way to Georgia and hang me by my nails. Last time I did something like this was for Paradigm (anyone even know what that was? I did the first three issues, and then the magazine died). I will basically say that I am having a blast in the scene (finally) and that a lot of what we do in SWAT would not be possible if we didn't have people working hard for us. Hard to believe SWAT started two years ago, but it's been fun the whole way through and the PC to console transition has been a real shot-in-the-arm for all of us. We are here for the duration and we are not here to lose. And we are here to have fun. Greets (gosh): Scrotum Muncher, The Speed Racer, Spaceman Spiff, Mega, Der Schatten, The Cardinal, John Doe #2, Ben Franklin, Shinobi, Artic Cat!, Dragon Avenger, Wing Leader, Sharon, Calvin Klein, Crazy Horse, Nueromage, all the IRC d00ds, all the old SWAT PC guys (I know you are all out there and wishing you had stayed comma bitches), Weapon X, and of course, MURPHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember: turn in the general direction of the Dalai Chucka and pray 3 times a day. Maybe then you can achieve 3l33t NiRVANA..